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5th Grade Science - Mrs. Bush

Science Curriculum:
For the Science curriculum, I will be using the new Carolina Smithsonian Science Kits from BOCES. These kits provide engaging materials to help students learn key concepts in Science while making connections to the real world around them. Students will be provided with an online account to access the information and activities online throughout the school year. A link to this site is provided below and on Google Classroom. 

Topics Covered in Science this year:
- Scientific Method
- Matter and Energy in Organisms and Ecosystems 
- Earth’s Systems
- Structure and Properties of Matter
- Space Systems: Stars and the Solar System
- Health

New York State Next Gen Science Learning Standards

Google Classroom:

Carolina Science:;Card%20Set;filters%5Blearning_context%5D%5B%5D;Digital%20Resource&page=2&tab=5f34931f052d054b8c278f4a

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