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Breakfast and Lunch

Breakfast and Lunch Information
  • Breakfast
    • The school provides a free breakfast for every student
    • If your child eats breakfast at home, they may still choose to eat something from the school's free breakfast unless you tell the teacher otherwise.
  • Lunch
    • The school offers a couple of choices for free lunch, and your child can choose from those choices OR they can bring their own lunch from home.
    • Please note that the school will provide a monthly menu, but be aware that the choices are subject to last minute changes due to availability.
  • If your child brings their own lunch:
    • They will either need to bring their own drink (no carbonated beverages please), drink water from their water bottle, or let the teacher know that they need to get milk from the cafeteria.
  • Snacks and ice cream during lunch 
    • These items are not free, and are sometimes offered for a certain price. They can only purchase one per day