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Kindness Week

During the week of December 2nd-6th the Positivity Project word of the week was Kindness.  Mrs. Ripley and her 4th grade students had several discussions, both in small groups and as a class, about what kindness meant.  They developed a list of ways they could show kindness toward others and shared examples of who those people might be.  During their discussions they also talked about how there are a lot of people in our community who help everyday, but they might be people we don't necessarily see on a daily basis.  Therefore, we may not always think about thanking them for what they do.  Students identified people such as those who deliver our mail, plow truck drivers, firefighters, police officers, and EMTs. The class wrote thank you letters to the officers at the Cortland County Sheriff's Office.  They put together a care package with a variety of different treats and invited Lieutenant Caufield in to talk with the class about his job.