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The Memory Project

The McGraw Lion’s Club graciously sponsored our “Advanced Studio in Art” class to participate in “The Memory Project” again this year.  This wonderful experience allows our students to open their hearts and to promote the value of sharing kindness with others.  We were sent 3 portraits of children who are either orphaned, neglected, or disadvantaged from former USSR countries.  These children usually have very few keepsakes and the purpose of this project is to provide them with a special memory of their youth, to honor their heritage and identity, and to help them build a positive self-image.  Each of our art students were able to choose the orphan they wanted to draw or paint a portrait of.  The photos also had the child’s name on the bottom so our art students were able to put a name with their face.  Our students then recreated these photos of the children with paints and colored pencils.  Once completed, art students attached a photo of themselves on the back along with their handprint and first name and we sent the portraits back to the children.  The artwork that these children receive will be given to them as gifts to keep forever.  Photos are taken of the kids receiving their portraits so that the student artist can see that special moment when they receive their gift.  The goal of this project is to inspire caring, global friendship, and a positive sense of self.