Please Check Out The Sportsmanship Policy Additions Under The Links Section!!!!!
Athletic Director:
John D'Antonio
Phone Number:
McGraw Spirit Store
Sports Schedule
Code of conduct
Teammate Of The Week:
Cassiana Vasquez Girls Varsity Basketball. Works hard during practice and tries her best when she receives opportunity during games. She has improved greatly over the years and more important is a caring teammate.
Mason Allen-Ready to go every single day and holds himself and others accountable during practice
Emmily Thomas has been working very hard on her kills and did amazing the other night against Port Byron. Emmily is a great athlete who always gives her best and also does what is asked of her. She is a great teammate on and off the court. She will be missed next year.
Scott Brown. Scott has been working hard to get better and is always willing to do whatever it takes to help the team.
This weeks schedule:
Monday GMBB Home Vs. Brookfield 430 pm
BJV/VBB home Vs Cincinnatus 530 jv tip MUSICAL NIGHT
Tuesday- BJV/VBB home Vs. Mater Dei 530 jv tip
Wednesday- GMBB @ Stockbridge 430 pm Bus leaves 230pm
Thursday- GMBB home Vs. Stockbridge 430pm
BJV/VBB @ Madison 530pm Bus leaves 315pm

Fall: Soccer, Golf
Winter: Basketball, Volleyball, Ski Club
Spring: Baseball, Softball, Clay Target Club