Elementary Counseling Office

We are here to support you and your family. 
McGraw School Counseling Plan 2022-2023

Community Resources 
Cortland County Mental Health-(607) 758-6100 
Catholic Charities of Cortland County - (607) 756-5992 
Family Counseling Services- (607) 753-0234 
National Resources (available 24 hours a day) 
National Suicide Prevention and Crisis Line 1800-273-TALK (8255) National Text Crisis Line- 741741 

After hours support in the community: 

Liberty Resources Mobile Crisis (607) 756-3771 

Cortland County Mobile Crisis Team (MCT)-provides support to Cortland County youth and families with a behavior and/or mental health crisis. Call Cortland Regional Medical Center (Guthrie) at (607) 756-3771 or law enforcement at 911.

211- A variety of available supports, information, and activities in and around Cortland County
 Monday - Friday 5 p.m.-midnight, weekends and holidays 6 a.m.-midnight. 

Take the following steps to cope: 

• Take care of your body: Try to eat healthy well-balanced meals, exercise regularly, and get plenty of sleep. Avoid alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. Learn more about wellness strategies at samhsa.gov 

 • Connect with others: Share your concerns and how you are feeling with a friend or family member. Maintain healthy relationships, and build a strong support system. Take advantage of on-line, social media to connect in positive ways. Perhaps, set up scheduled times to face time with positive people in your lives; video chat fun activities. Focus on the good whenever possible. 

 • Take breaks: Make time to unwind and remind yourself that strong feelings will fade. Try taking in deep breaths. Try to do activities you usually enjoy. Avoid too much exposure to news: Take breaks from watching, reading, or listening to news stories. It can be upsetting to hear about the crisis and see images repeatedly. Try to do enjoyable activities and return to normal life as much as possible and check for updates between breaks. 

 • Seek help when needed: If distress impacts activities of your daily life for several days or weeks, talk to a clergy member, counselor, or doctor, or contact the National Suicide Prevention and Crisis Line at 1-800-273-TALK 

Free Wellness Apps 

  • Calm 

  • Headspace 

  • Daylio 

  • Smiling Mind 

  • Happify