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Science 6 and English 6 Syllabus
English 6
We will be using a new curriculum from McGraw-Hill called Wonders, a comprehensive K-6 program with connected resources for all learners.  We will be working through 6 units this year which are focused on the following genres:  Narrative Nonfiction, Realistic-Fiction, Argumentative Text, Expository Nonfiction, Historical Fiction, Poetry, Realistic Fiction, Biography, and Drama. As we read through a variety of connected texts, students will notice and annotate, listen and have collaborative discussions about what they notice, and writing in the genre.  Throughout the writing process students will analyze an expert model or mentor text.  Students will learn the different elements of each genre
and acquire strategies and skills to become successful readers.
Science 6
Space Systems Exploration:  students develop and use models to investigate the interactions of the  Sun-Earth-Moon system, solar system, Milky Way Galaxy, and the Universe.
Earth’s Dynamic Systems:  students develop and use models to describe processes, analyze and interpret data from the real world, and use empirical evidence to construct scientific explanations about the world around them.  This unit helps students develop a better understanding of geologic systems; how those systems change over time, and how engineering, technology, and applications of science are connected to each other and to students’ daily lives.

 Weather and Climate: students will develop an understanding of phenomena that influence weather and climate. Students model many of these large-scale phenomena in a way that allows them to see how they work.